Imam al-Nawawi’s Maqam Destroyed in Nawa
Un’altra distruzione di un luogo sacro per tutti i musulmani: la tomba (a Nawa, nel sud della Siria) dell’imâm an-Nawawî, autore della celebre raccolta di tradizioni profetiche Riyâd as-Sâlihîn (I Giardini dei Devoti), tradotta anche in Italiano per le edizioni Qibla/Orientamento. La follia distruttrice ed iconoclasta dei “puritani dell’Islam” non conosce sosta, ovunque essi mettano le mani. Anche questo è uno dei risultati della cosiddetta “primavera araba”, che in Siria ha mostrato il suo volto più sanguinario e truculento.
Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh , We pray this finds everyone well, wrapped in Allah’s mercy and steadfastly traveling the path to eternal felicity, in sha Allah.
The Maqam of The Erudite Scholar and Friend of Allah Sayyiduna Imam Abu Zakariyah Muhiy al-Din Yahya Ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi Radi Allah ‘anhu has been destroyed in Nawa. La hawla wala quwatta illa billah.
تدمرت اليوم ضريح إمام من أبرز أئمة أهل السنة والجماعة الإمام النووي رحمه الله تعالى شارح صحيح الإمام مسلم على أيدي الإرهابيين. اللهم انصرنا على القوم الكافرين.
He is Yahya Ibn Sharaf , Muhiy al-Din Abu Zakariyah al-Nawawi (631–676 AH) the pious, ascetic, most learned, scrupulously Godwary, accomplished jurisprudent and Hadith Master, the impeccable Shaykh al-Islām by the unanimity of the people of the Sunna of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), fearless before kings, lordly and chaste, who died young yet, in a short life of 45 years, produced works of learning that made him the principal authority in the later Shāfi‘ī school. He is the “the standard-bearer of the Friends of God” (al-Dhahabī); and he himself said, “God has blessed me in the right use of my time,” in reference to Imām al-Nawawī’s remarkable scholarly output and achievements. Imam al-Nawawi is named after his hometown of Nawa near Damacsus. He is “the Spiritual Pole of the noble Friends of God, the Legist of Humankind, the Reviver of the Sunna and the Slayer of Innovation” (al-Sakhāwī). May God bestow great and endless mercy on him, bless him, and reward him on behalf of every Muslim!