By Enrico Galoppini In this historical post-bipolar phase, presenting the US attempts to impose a unipolar world leadership, in the so-called "West" [1] Islam is…
by Enrico Galoppini Foreword: "terrorism" has a fixed and unchangeable pattern. After the Italian 'laboratory' of the Seventies and Eighties, the terrorist machine became perfected…
by Enrico Galoppini If we have satisfied ourselves with the preconceived schemes influenced by the dichotomies arisen after World War II up to the value…
by Enrico Galoppini In the field of the graduation thesis assigned in some faculties of humanities, there has become increasingly common the choice, by the…
by Enrico Galoppini "Timbuktu is in the hands of Islamic fundamentalists". This is what newspaper headlines and agencies wrote in early July 2012, reporting the…
by Enrico Galoppini The institution of the Caliphate (Arabic khilafa, "vicegerency") emerges in Islamic history immediately after the death of the Prophet Muhammad (632), who…
by Enrico Galoppini What is The Factory of the Manipulation about which Enrica Perucchietti and Gianluca Marletta write in their last book, La fabbrica della…
by Enrico Galoppini Paraphrasing the famous Marxist motto (which is as far removed from my feeling as any other form of reductionist-economistic thought that claims…
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